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Crib Bench
A customer called and asked if I thought I could make a bench for her grandkids from her children's Jenny Lind crib. She wanted the bench to honor the style of the crib and also preserve the finish and teething marks. I carefully broke it down and reworked it with fabricated parts and the end result was spectacular.
Crib Parts Loaded & Ready for the Shop

Split Decision
Using an entire crib end for the bench ends would have looked odd, so I got permission to split an end in half. At that point, the customer said I was free to make whatever decisions I thought best.
Bench End Fabrication
The back leg, which is also part of the seat back, was laminated from a matching hardwood. Everything was mortise and tenon joinery on this part.

Seat Back &
Seat Frame
One of the crib sides was used for the seat back. I spindle was removed from each end and the rails were notched into the back leg and doweled for added strength. The seat frame was a simple box. The walnut log on the floor was helping hold the seat at just the right height.
Construction Complete
The seat slats were added. Notice the alternating size. Also, the front slat was cut to wrap around the front legs. The front rail detail was copied from the crib ends. All screws are countersunk and plugged.

Distressing and Staining
Before staining, I added some "wear and tear" with wrenches, screwdrivers, bolts and large drill bits. Then stain and wipe on polyurethane were added to tie it all together.
Photo Shoot and Delivery Prep
The completed bench was photographed then padded up for delivery.
The customer was beyond pleased with her new bench!

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